Bc547 transistor pinout
Bc547 transistor pinout

bc547 transistor pinout

The maximum base current is limited to 5mA and the collector-emitter current for this device is 100mA, more than this value could damage the device. The max gain of this transistor is 800, which determines the amplification factor of the device. When a positive voltage is applied to the base pin, the transistor will turn on. BC547 is an NPN transistor so when no power is applied to the base, the collector and emitter will be left open (Reverse biased). It can be used as a small signal switching transistor. Above we discussed that the base current for BC547 is five milliamperes so try to follow this value.The BC547 is an SMD SOT23-3 package NPN Transistor with VCE of 45V and a collector current of 100mA.The operation of the transistor is an open switch for forward biasing and a closed switch for reverse biasing and for getting the biasing their required current is provided at the base pin.

bc547 transistor pinout

  • There is a cut-off region and the saturation region are operation region of BC547 as the switch is working.
  • At the collector current moves toward the inner circuit.
  • The base is a control point like tap here biasing volts are provided.
  • Emitter used to get current from the transistor.
  • It has three pinout collector base and emitter.
  • bc547 transistor pinout

    frequency for bC547 is three hundred and others also have the same value.Power dissipation of 2N3904 is 626 mA and 500mA for BC547.base current 100mA for BC547 are 200mA for 2N3904.VCE for BC547 is 50 volts and for 2n3904 forty volts.The pin sequence for 2N3904 is Emitter base and collector and for BC547 is collector, base, and emitter There is a pin configured at different sequences for both transistors.The equivalent transistor of BC547 are mentioned below.It is NPN configured transistor and To-92 its packaging.the highest collector current is one hundred milliamps.The transition frequency for this transistor is three hundred megahertz.Its operating temperature is about minus sixty-five to one-fifty centigrade.It has a noise value of about two to ten decibels.If there is no base current provided transistor is in off state and called cut off region of the transistor and base-emitter volts can be 660 millivolts.This phase of the transistor is called the saturation region and the voltage of transistor VCE or base-emitter is about two hundred to nine millivolts. If the transistor is in a completely biased state so one hundred milliampere current can pass through the collector and emitter.For biasing of the transistor current at its base pin is provided and must be less than five milliampere.The highest value of current that can pass through this collector is 100mA so try to avoid a high current. It has a gain value from 110 to 800 that defines its amplification range.It is mostly preferred for amplifiers and switching circuits.

    Bc547 transistor pinout